I have no words to say or tell. I'm really sad. And I mean really really sad. I feel so lost. Afraid. Stupid. Upset. Dissapointed. Hatred!!! If only I could replay and rewind the year, I'd go back to 2004 and stop then rewind at 2007. I wanna playback for several times just to ease my mind and heart. This is how bad I feel right now. U don't even know how terribly empty I am now. I am like a lost soul. I cry myself to sleep for every sleepless nights and birthdays I went through. Every songs I heard in the past, I'd remember U. Every blue days I went through, it reminds me of U. Every full moon I saw, I breathe in. All I can do is to remember U. I really loved u with all my heart and soul. I'd sell my soul for just a moment in the past when U were around. Honestly, I couldn't let U go from my heart. U had the best in me and I miss everything. I never hate U for what U did to me. Every day I'd wish to see you, even in just a glance. But I know I can never will.
posted by Faye Kusairi #