Beautiful Worlds

by Faye Kusairi



Faye Kusairi

What's with her that makes people go ga-ga?
What make them likes her?
What made them misunderstood??

Faye is a 'mesra alam' person. She loves to make new friends, catching up with old friends, new ones and mostly, she loves being in a company of a person. Yet, she also love to be alone for once in a while. Ya know, a space only for herself. She also love to joke around. And I mean, all around! She is only serious when she say she is. Though, having a bad temper is a common thing to her and some other people. She's only human but she's trying to control her heat of temper every now and then.

Hence, Faye is well-known by her family of her 'easily-bored' attitude. She leaves losers like snails; so slow! And, she moves on easily like nothing had happened. She can't even stay put in one place for 30 minutes. She's always up for something or anything. She loves to have joyful fun and if I may say, Faye has her cheeky days where she'll innocently flirts with people. A cheeky smile and a sharp stare is all she needs to do to catch any attention she needs. Though, needless for me to tell you folks, she's never serious with being in this way. So, becareful, be smart and be wise. Faye is predictable if you're cunning enough to be walking with her (if you know what I mean).

Moreover, Faye is a jeans/short with slipers kinda chic. She occasionally beautify herself. Her style is messy but she always brings her confidence along with her style. To her, confident is sexy. So, no matter how messy you are, you'll always be sexy with confidence. Poyo is another thing she has in her quality. This, I honestly can't understand why people are still attracted to her. Frankly, she is being all 'poyo' is to make them take another step, backwards. But it seems that it made them did the opposite way. I think she is has a magnetic thingy in her aura or something. I don't understand.

Controlling isn't a quality she likes. In conclusion, jealousy, envy, conquering and demandings aren't in her dictionary. She love to be free and so she lets most people around her to be free as well. Though being free doesn't mean that there's no limits. She has her own border and walls. With that, she's never be too far away in the dark.

Faye.. Faye. Some say she's a crazy chic. Some say she talks like a dude. Any ways, at the end of the day, she is her. She is Faye Kusairi. An ordinary girl, rockin' her own world and living her life near border. You can hate her all you want. Also, you can like her all you want. But be careful dear brave ones, never fall for her unless she lets herself fall for you. Dropping her guards aren't anything easy for her. Life is nothing but an act we play. The world is nothing but a stage we act. The people are nothing but actors and actresses in the play. And Faye will be Faye in everyway she wants to be.

And now, tell me.

What's with her that makes people go ga-ga?
What make them likes her?
What made them misunderstood??
I let you conclude.

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