AT LAST!! I'M HOME!!!!! home sweet home.
My flight from KLIA was at 8.30am, so my mum, dad and me woke up approx at 5am.
Then rite after sahur, we left from kakak's place.
My friends, Along, Diddy & Nyza tagged along to send me to the airport.
So thoughtful of them. Thank you guys!
Though they looked at me with their 'puppy eyes' like I wasnt going back to KL. Hehh!
So we aboard out plane at 8.20am and as the plane took flight, i was like WUHUUUU!!!! (dalam hati je lah!) hehe...
The nite b4 i didnt had any good sleep, so i slept the whole way back.
As i heard the flight attendant said that we're soon be landing in Miri International Airport, I was so damn excited.
I looked out the window and smile all the way until we safely landed in MIRI! yayy!!
Omg.. I went into the terminal and i really feel like hugging everyone including strangers! Hahaha..
Dat's how bad i miss my hometown. We took our luggage and when straight home.
Then we arrived home. My heart felt like WOW!! im home.
I'd jump around but i wudnt want my parents to think dat i cracked my brain! hahaha...
But yea.. I was really happy.
So.. home sweet home. :)
posted by Faye Kusairi #