Last night I heard a quite fun story from a dear friend of mine. I laugh and giggle all the way chatting with him. Thanks for the news babe. It was really refreshingly funny! Owh... and I had durians as well. I had to eat it using a spoon and I call it, Eating With Style! I know, I know. Ya shud be eating durians with ur hand. Bak kata kawanku, makan menggunakan jari jemari baru lah ade feel! But whatever, I still enjoyed it. Hee..!
I didn't do anthing much today. I wanted to go to the saloon to go and get my hair trimmed. But then, I was so lazy to drive. So I canceled my plan and watch Tv with Mama. Then, Mama went to play badminton with her friends. I, on the other hand is going swimming later tonight. But, its windy outside. So, I'm still considering. Haih... Owh! and me, Boboy, his mum and Lukman went to have rojak at Krokop 5. That was the first time I went there, and I gotta be honest. It's gonna be the last place I'm gonna go and enjoy rojak. The cendol was good, but not the rojak. It taste a lil too sweet for me. Hehe...
posted by Faye Kusairi #