Each passing day brings love and hatred. As how I understand, it correlates. Though sometimes it's just too painful to endure. But what's love without suffer right? We tend to punish ourselves for that. There's so many ways in life we find to enforce it. Some people know how to validate their feelings and understand repectively how to treat others. But, I do think that there are also those who have anxiety and acts differently. Thus, they will enforce pain on themselves for mistakes they's made.
In reality, it is unrealistic in another person's eye. In misery and ashamed, their brain takes over and tells them when their next
cycle will be. It may be for release of pressure, anxiety or how it's consistantly in their life and unvoluntary. I have to admit, I think that
they are naively afraid that someone that they really love are enforcing pain and will soon gone out of control.
What are we really? But flesh and bones, nothing less and nothing more. Yet still, we want to be more. Why is there this drive to become gods or goddess? Is that really what we want? Isn't living and dying is enough? Why spend eternity doing nothing but helping ourselves? We have one lifetime of making a difference to someone else. Do we even deserve to exist? If we live for our own egos, why do we even exist? Make a difference by showing that we care.
In a divine land by a beautiful shore, beautiful people live fast and live only for their owned beautiful materials and beautiful faces. While somehow forgetting their family and lovers. In beautiful beds, they closed their beautiful eyes and see the lives that they're living are beautiful lies. I believe that one day, they'd give up their beautiful ghosts. They'll see life's not about always having the most. But till that beautiful day, they'll live fast and live for the beautiful more as beautiful souls.
B e a u t i f u l .
posted by Faye Kusairi #