Dear wishing fool,
I tak suke You. So You jangan kacau I dengan dia ok?
If You keep on wishing for something that doesn't belongs to You, then You're selfish.
If You still nak apa yang You tak dapat and still not getting it, takkan tak paham paham lagi kot.
If You masih rasa tarak malu, sedo sedo la ye. Hidung tak mancung, Pipi tersorong sorong.
Please accept the fact that You're unwanted, expired and past due. So stop wishing for it.
I tak mau You keep on enterframing 'our' picture nor near 'our' frame.
You yang tak pandai bersyukur, not me. So deal with it.
Do not push You're luck. It is at its best as it is.
You ruined Your own bliss, so do not ruin someone else's delights.
You made a mess of Your own life, so do not mess other's life.
Ok dear?
posted by Faye Kusairi #