First of all, I'd like to express gratitude towards my partner for making me realise that some things that comes out from my mouth isn't really sweet at all. Like I used to say, I'm sweeter than sugar. Too much of me is bad for your health.
But now, I realised that being that way is disastrace. I am lucky enough to have my partner to tell me off that what I had said or done isn't the work of a genius. So, here's my apology and I thank you. What I said and done didn't meant to hurt anyone. I meant what I mean, it's just that it has mislead most people, thus leaving them in hatred and in some case, revenge. I accept the fact if this is the punishment I get from God Himself. Though no matter how bad things get, I'm thankful enough to Him for sending an angel to take care of me. With this, again, I would like to apologise.
I'm so sorry for the misleadings and misunderstandings. I am happy with my life now and intend to keep it that way for a long long time with my partner.
I love you sayang and I thank you for always having my back.
posted by Faye Kusairi #