Beautiful Worlds

by Faye Kusairi




Kadang kadang aku rasa apa semua yang berlaku dalam dunia ini adalah berasaskan penipuan belaka. Hidup ini penuh dengan penipuan walau macam manapun kita cuba mengelakkan diri kita dari menipu mahupun ditipu. Either way, lying often is an option for us human. Begitu kuat pengaruh syaitan mengawal kita agar kurang pandai mengawal hawa nafsu. Manusia katakan. " Tiada yang sempurna ".

Untuk kita capai sesuatu yang hampir sempurna, amatlah sukar skali. Hence, most people choose to lie; hiding the unpleasant truth and use the delighting lies for personal matter. Atau lebih dikenali sebagai "Tipu Sunat" nowadays. Hoping everything to turn out just fine. We said that we didn't mean to hurt anyone's feeling, so we chose to lie. * That's anyone, how about someone? * What we are lack of knowing is that from lies, it turn to cheating. You chose to lie to cheat one event in your life; not realising what you had or will loose.

Life is fair. Tuhan Maha Kaya lagi Maha Adil. Today, you have everything you wanted but tomorrow, who knows?

Mistakes could happen once, twice, thrice or forth time. The process of learning as what I'd like to put it. But we should also be sensitive at one certain point. Patience has its own limits. Tuhan kurniakan kita akal fikiran untuk berfikir. Jadi janganlah kita berlagak seperti makhluk paling sempurna di muka Bumi ini. Like I said, we're all human. We are bound to make mistakes somehow, in anyway.

You'll go far when you learn to face facts. Avoid lying neither to yourself nor others. A small change makes a huge difference.

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