Beautiful Worlds

by Faye Kusairi



Green Monster

Green monster!
You've frightening eyes.
You grind your awful teeth with such cunning face.
You live without a mind, without a heart, without a soul.
Even, without God.

Human jealousy and divine Ecstasy are eternal strangers.

You'd be an aggressive boxer, a repulsive dancer, a hopeless singer
And a useless storyteller.

Before you entered, I was the world's richest little queen.
But now that you are near me and I am in half for you,
I have become the poorest street-beggar.

You are my constant nightmare-mind.
You are my constant love-absence-heart.
Shortest is the distance between paradise to hell.

You are your own ultimate self-destructive-indulgence.
So stop ruining mine like you made to yours.
You blew your chance as fast as you want to ruin mine.
Stupid green greedy monster!

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