I wonder how long would it takes me off from FB. It's very tempting though, but yeah. I just hate the drama it caused me. Sometimes it a little too naked and tricky in some ways. Of course, it's how you use it. But seriously, I hate the drama. This say that lah.. That say this lah... Crappy stuff pun want to take heart feelings. Disturbance some more. Though I do not approve strangers, yet still some friends or among people I knew briefly trying to act 'cool' (as in being total loser/poser) with me and end up creating problems. And often I'm being the victim. Then another leads to another. Such Bullshits!
Anyway, FB is always fun for me. I'd reactivate it back one day. It's just that I'm still not sure is it ok or not. I mean, is it safe? As in, less troublesome or will it cause me more problems? I've to weight that consequences properly before reactivating it, most definitely! *Sigh*
For now, I just hope that my '
interest' isn't being 'taking cared' by unwanted and uninvited retards while I'm off. Itu bisa kasi melatopp yo!
" Do as you please. Fuck the rest ".
I say, " Fuck You! ". Then she goes, " *#%$@*&#* ! ".
Words I just don't quite understand.
posted by Faye Kusairi #