Beautiful Worlds

by Faye Kusairi



Somehow, I'll miss this place.

Today was a beautiful day. As me, my dad and my brother when out after breakfast, I could stop noticing how wonderful was the sky. The air feels clean, the sea seems calming and blue, the sun shine divinely and so the sky looks heavenly.

We passed by Lutong Kindergarten; it’s a Chinese kindergarten where I had my early education. I attended that school for 2 years. I remembered the first day of kindergarten. I was literally shooing my dad to go home and leave me alone at school. I was so thrilled to learn as I saw my sister had homework and stuff. I didn’t really care about having friends at school, because I enjoyed competing with others. Hell, remembered scoring A’s for Chinese language even. *giggles* Hence, I learn to speak Mandarin fluently and discover my passion towards sport. I won my first gold medal for a 50meter run at the kindergarten’s sports day.

Little offspring Afay went to this kindergarten at the tender age of 4 years old.

Then, when I turned 7, my mum had registered me into a Malay school; just next to my kindergarten. Though, I was a little disappointed because I wanted to continue school at Chong Hua Primary School. My mum’s reason was that she can’t help me with the Chinese language subject. So, entered SK Lutong and was put in 1 Hijau; the cutest thing! As usual, I didn’t make many friends because I was so competitive in sports and education. Lotsa people in school didn’t really liked me because they said I was a little too fierce and ignorance. I remembered my first flop in primary 4. I was so scared to go back to tell my parents about my grades, I literally cried in class! *Laugh hysterically* Silly Little Afay.

 The school has been upgraded. Back then, SK Lutong has just little tiny buildings.

At primary 5, my family had to move to Bintulu as my dad was being promoted and transferred there. We moved back to Miri when I was 15. I was accepted in SMK Lutong. Funny and long story, I was accepted as the school coach recommended me. So from there, I became a respected student as I contributed lots in sport to the school. Though, I preferred to keep my distant from my schoolmates. I factually had only 3 friends in the entire school. I didn’t really talk much to people in school. But yeah, good old days; I enjoyed my high school days there.

 Rebellious Faye finished high school at 2004 here. Good old days.

Somehow, I was tired of Miri. In 2005, I left my hometown for KL to further my studies. Though, at this time, I came back and see how everything had changed. Everything seems better. Everybody I knew had different life. Some are married and have children of their own, some had worked and having fat wallets, even some are still lost and died! - No comment. Of course I had come back once or twice over the years, but only now I see things better. I guess I’m more mature now. Everything I see was only beauty, no matter how polluted was the Lutong river or how the native teenagers walking around looking like morons wearing something really really disturbingly ugly and weird. But this is where I grew up; where I took my first sigh on earth. Even though it is indeed my hometown, I’m not here to stay. Though, I know that my heart doesn’t belong but I’ll always be a proud Mirian. I mean, who knows? This could be my last visit here. Then I realised that somehow, there will come a day, I will miss this place again.

" Our deepest fear is not that we are imperfect.
Our deepest fear is that we will come to realise that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that frightens us most. We ask ourselves, “Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and famous?” Well, I think it’s actually, who are you not to be? We are the children of God. Playing it small does not serve the world. There is nothing liberal about shrinking, so that people won't feel insecure around you. We were born to make visible the glory of God that’s within us. Not just in some of us, but I believe it's in all of us. And if we let our own light shine, we automatically give other people permission to do the same. 
As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence certainly liberates others ". 
– My belief.

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