Beautiful Worlds

by Faye Kusairi



Life is simple, it's just not easy.

Today had been a very meaningful day for me; in which OBVIOUSLY had made an inspiration for me.

I guess a few of us may have heard the quote "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder". In fact, this quote had been one of my favorite quotes. Indeed, this is a deeper quote than most of us realize, because everyone has a unique opinion of almost everything in the world, whether we choose to admit to our feelings is simply our own choice. Typically many might choose to love someone that a majority of society will perceive as beautiful. Though personally, I believe the real debate lies in choosing someone that you know in your heart you see as beautiful despite what society says.

Choosing the right person to be with is a process that takes a lot of heart, strength, and courageousness from both parties, because the person you may choose, or the person who chooses you may not be the most politically correct partner. When we are choosing a partner, it is important to choose a person for their heart, not their strapping good looks, or enormous bank account. As looks fade, and money comes and goes, a person's soul never leaves them, and at the end of neither a rainy day nor a sunny one, they will always be who they are at heart.

What I am trying to impose is that, don't choose the one who is beautiful to the world. But rather, choose the one who makes your world beautiful.

With a great depth of gratitude, I had found someone I had knew in my past, who sees me through my soul, through his heart. Indeed he has a kind, genuine heart that he carries within his personality and beliefs; a gentlemen who thinks like a man of action, acts like a man of thought.


"Sakat tanda Sepakat"



A Chorus Of A Storyteller.

Do you really think you can forget the night when tomorrow is already daylight?
Do you think you can save one life and not change a single moment of it?
Do you think you can be the greatest when you've been worse?
Do you really want what you want when you're almost lost?
So, do you?

My decode is not in a form of a twilight.
It's the sun, brighter than ever.

The art of passion and affection,
I'd live to die in peace.

Moments of beautiful people living in their own beautiful world.
I'd cherish them all, sincerely.

This is where I've been. I found peace in Tioman, couple days ago.



Week #1 : Single, and Documenting.


It's been a while since the last time I had wrote in this blog. So much I had gone through and frankly, it had been a very tiring journey. Through those sunny day to rainy ones, GOSH! I feel it had been a roller coaster ride for me. And so, this who I had become.

I am now a junior hairstylist, working at Chez Hair Studio. It had been 3 months now being a permanent employee of Chez. I met some new friends; most importantly I had known someone rather near to me. His name is Boy and he is the closest to me. He has a very kind heart. Other than that, it feels like the 'after rain' again. Thank you November rain. You are a beautiful disaster. Though, I still have that belief that life is beautiful. The world is beautiful. And that made us Humans, so divinely gorgeous.

Somehow I think we gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which when we really stop to look fear in the face. And we should be able to say to ourself, “ I have lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along ”.

Unfortunately though, I had realized a little late that I haven't face my biggest fear. Well, better late than never! So I decided to must do the thing I think I cannot do; to carry on alone.

" The soul becomes dyed with the color of its thoughts ". 


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