I have no words to say or tell. I'm really sad. And I mean really really sad. I feel so lost. Afraid. Stupid. Upset. Dissapointed. Hatred!!! If only I could replay and rewind the year, I'd go back to 2004 and stop then rewind at 2007. I wanna playback for several times just to ease my mind and heart. This is how bad I feel right now. U don't even know how terribly empty I am now. I am like a lost soul. I cry myself to sleep for every sleepless nights and birthdays I went through. Every songs I heard in the past, I'd remember U. Every blue days I went through, it reminds me of U. Every full moon I saw, I breathe in. All I can do is to remember U. I really loved u with all my heart and soul. I'd sell my soul for just a moment in the past when U were around. Honestly, I couldn't let U go from my heart. U had the best in me and I miss everything. I never hate U for what U did to me. Every day I'd wish to see you, even in just a glance. But I know I can never will.
I specially wrote this as a friend to a friend.
It's never enough.
We are what we are… human beings.
Born into a world that's full of curiosity and desire.
Genuinely, we live in hunger.
And that's why it is never enough.
It revolves. One thing will relate to another.
And another relates to another... to another… to another.
Curiosity creates knowledge to us, and then we'll have desires.
Desires aspires us to be passionate.
Therefore we began to hope and make sacrifices.
Enduring the pain… just to fill in satisfaction.
For a one thing we are fond of, yet are vital in any way.
Undeniable that happiness is what we treasure in life.
Calmly embrace life as it is as we were the one who created it.
It's bordering on a tale.
It's meaningless without questions.
It's meaningless without answers.
Though, a question is not a question without an answer.
Some may find a blind alley to a typical question.
A question we think has no answer.
But I'm here to tell you, that question is left for us to answer.
Patiently endure circumstances and liberate yourself from abhorrence.
And soon, you'll find the answer that you seek.
Eccentrically, it is full of surprises.
And that makes it wonderful in any way.
Though, we are a contender in this world we live.
Life is a stage, where we play an individual yet vital role in it.
Every single move we make attracts criticizes before praises.
Consequently, expect the unexpected and dare to make changes.
Move forward. One step after another and you'll see what life has to offer with only a little patience.
With this, I dare to tell you that in time, "everything is going to be okay".
She is
The one I knew for a long time ago.
The one I could not compare to another person.
The one I adore and most gentlemen's does as well.
Thus, the one that every girl's would envy with only one stare.
She possess…
A wonderful smile that could brighten a dim room to an excel space.
A soft gentle voice like a subtle whisper of a seraph
A beautiful face like an angel from heaven above.
Possibly, she is the most picture perfect person I know.
She is…
A girl in the eyes of her father.
A lady in the eyes of her mother.
A women in the eyes of the gents and a divine being in the eye of any lady.
Also, she is a splendid mother in the eyes of her one and only child.
Though she…
Once upon a time ago,
Was irked with life in her puerile mind,
Was rebel in her adolescent days.
Was baffled of verdicts and her strength of will went wide of the mark.
She was amiss, in sin against herself and was in a deep pleasure of depression.
But there she was…
Taking matter seriously, bolting on her responsibilities.
Compelling all and sundry thoughts was a sin.
Attesting others that there are answers to any questions.
And that, she is a candle in a core of a dark room.
So she…
Inspires me, she makes me believe in second chances.
Encourage me, being more prime and subtle in making decisions.
Thought me, about life in an astonishing perspectives and perceptions.
And showed me that love is vital and to love unreservedly.
I am hollow without her and life would be empty with the absence of her affections.
I specially dedicate this to her,
My unquestionably love, my one and only sister.
Dk Sharinoor Iriasuk, Kusairi.
NOT! banyak la hepi... another failure to launch is more like it! Jiwa ku di kacau benda alah yg tah hape jadah la.. haihh.... bohsan la camni. At start everything turns out just fine. Everything was sweet and colourful. Then it ended like this. I guess it was my mistake taking things for granted. I wasn't focusing on what I was doing. I should've been more cautious.
My mistake for putting my guards down so easily. I turn bitter as soon I notice a dent in the relationship. But still, we go on... and on... and on. To the point things went a little off-side. Now that it involve my family, then I realised to where this relationship is going. Though, I'm glad it happend now. It's like now or never ryte. So i let go. Not only letting go of the relationship, I let go all of the hidden sorrow, disappointments, depressions and bitterness. Though those good moments and colourful days, i'll cherish them. It's another lesson learnt for me.
So there goes my 'another happy ending'.
Bye Bye now and Helo to a new chapter!

One step, Forward.