Beautiful Worlds
by Faye Kusairi
Full Stop
Allah Maha Kuasa lagi Maha Penyayang.
Aku tahu dah cerita sebenar.
So I'll stop writting.
One day, the Moon said to me, “If your lover makes you cry, why don’t you leave your lover?”
I looked at the Moon and replied, “Would you every leave your sky?”
And if someone would ask me “What a beautiful life means?”
I would lean my head on your shoulder, hold you close and answer with a smile, “Like this.”
words are never enough to explain it.
Every day I'd pray for you to always give me peace.
And the strength in my heart for me to endure this life staggers.
I believe there must be a meaning of hopes you gave.
An answer for all questions, I’ll face this in silence.
With a humble gratitude I pray for You to light my heart, always.
Take care of me in Your greatness and forgiveness.
And bless me in Your presence.
Dear God, set peace in my soul.
Dear God, let me be Your humble soul.
For I am always at peace within Your scold.
Sometimes I feel this life is like a mirror as it symbolise.
Impatience hastens it out into pieces of broken glasses.
Give me the strength to subsist.
And to endure what’s more to life wonders.
Help me build bravery in me.
Help me strengthen myself.
Pour Your bundle of joy in my life, Oh dear Lord.
Gemini : It Doesn't Get Any Better Than This.
I read an article saying that, “many of the world's intellectuals are Geminis”. So I guess that makes me a great thinker then.*Joking* Though, some what little about me is that my mind is insatiable. It's so quick on the uptake that I can't understand why everyone else is grasping what I got in a split second. In fact, by the time they try to catch up with me, my mind has become bored by the inactivity. And by then, I've already turned and twisted the knowledge around just to see what would happen. Hence, to keep my mind active and occupied.
Some people mistake this playful brilliance as deception or dishonesty though. I think it's just simply because they can't keep up with me. But I guess I am just trying to keep things interesting. My mind needs to be fed with new ideas on a constant basis. Having recognized this at an early age, I’ve become remarkably adept at satisfying it. Moreover, being witty is my forte. I love to laugh. Some people say I’m good at sharp humour. I’m particularly fond of puns and wordplay. “Mercury rules writing, language, and a love of words”. Thus, I am quite the social charmer.
Not being vain or anything, but I guess I am popular. Oh c’mon! I guess you've already know that. *Pfft* I enjoy people, and I love to watch them to keep my mind busy. I’m surely at my best at parties, at the office and school. Well, I think it's basically anywhere I can find people with whom I can laugh with. Somehow, I tend to thrive on gossip and news. I mean I think the constant need of information is vital, even more than food! I know, that's unfortunately weird (even for me!).
Moreover, I am an avid reader. Again, it’s because the need for ideas and the love of words. In fact, I think I am one of the few people who can read a book, watch TV, and talk on the phone all at the same time. I relish thinking on several levels at once. Multitasking is my talent. *giggle*
Hence, I have a natural affinity for word puzzles. Well, I guess any types of puzzles. Thus, I found myself rather linguistic somehow. I enjoy learning foreign language but I do need to read more constructively. People say it's for the knowledge that will help me in the real world.
Here's another uplifting facts I read in that articale. "Many Geminis are multi-talented". Proves: The great thinker, Jean-Paul Sartre (June 21) was a poet, novelist, and philosopher. John F. Kennedy (May 29) was not only a great president but also a respected author (Profiles in Courage) and one of America's most gifted intellectuals. The Russian composer Igor Stravinsky (June 5) showed his precocity by penning his most famous pieces at a young age, then, like a true Gemini, not content to rest on his laurels, continued to innovate and experiment to satisfy his own mind, at the expense of confusing the public. He even lectured on poetry at Harvard. And of course, there’s me. Faye Kusairi, everything she touches will somehow turns to gold. Well, bronze (at the least).
Selamat Pagi Bola!
Kepagian yang indah,
Persetankan taik cicak yang ada.
Senyum senyum selalu,
Esok esok lusa, siapa tahu?
Ada pula taik lalat yang melekat dicelah pipi,
dibawah bibirmu.
Sesi satu.
To & From The Significant Other
Some days you seem so close, like you stand right before me. But then, most days you are near yet so far apart. Each day is like a battle for me with my stomach turning upside down. You stand there looking but you refuse to utter a sound. And I feel so confused right now. My heart is being torn at its seam. Every night that I sleep, you seem to linger in my dreams. Every time I look at you, I forget all my thoughts and right there and then, it’s you that my heart sought. But every time I hope, it turns into something bad. So for right now, I’ll stop thinking and maybe things won’t end up just as bad. You are all that I want; you are all that I need. Don’t you know you are the air that I breathe?
So for now, I’ll try to stop thinking. And maybe things won’t end up heartbreaking.
If you do love me, make things less complicated for me.
1 + 1 = 3.
1 + 1 = 3.
Student : Uik! I thought it's 2 sir?
Mr. X : Nope, that's old story. Now it's 3. 2 is just yesterday story.
Student : Owh... Looks like I missed that sir. But I like 2 even more.
Mr. X : The more the merrier. So deal with it!
Student : Erkk...Ok?
Just at the end of my unite, I just damn well had enough! I am sick and tired of trying to fix all of these problems up. I need a good long holiday; I need to keep my money in my purse. Why must I suffer all the time? Just when your problem seems to get worse! You see, I cannot fix your life for you. Stop thinking that I can. I am just another human being, working out my own life, as well as I can. So quit these constant noises! I don’t want to hear your loud unworthy yells and screams.
poor little girl
His Kiss
He’s unpredictably complicated.
He keeps me intoxicated in his mysteries.
And in his misery, he lied to me.
And in his misery, he lies before me.
I’d pay this debt of an honourable heart with my soul,
One he’d accept but doubt in bold.
Hence, in a day a life is changed;
When the wind blows, this candle light fades.
Still, this beautiful disaster can never change his throne.
For this heart stubbornly utter a great retort,
“You can neither fail to pull these feet, nor can you never succeed”.
For what is worth is, this heart genuinely
Fell indulge with his autograph of love.
We Walk.
We all believe that we can keep going long after we think we can't. I’ve heard they say it takes a minute to find a special person, an hour to appreciate them, a day to love them; but then an entire life to forget them. On the day when you see me again, have patience. And don’t try to understand me. I may not be the same person I once was.
Luse Liangxie
Once a thief, always a thief. Once a liar, always a liar.
Penat sial. One by one, Tuhan tunjuk. Bukan aku cari, tapi kebetulan, die tunjukkan. Bak kata orang, Tuhan suka bayar 'CASH'.
Jangan sampai aku buat perangai setan aku sat lagi. Air keruh yang aku tunggu nak jernihkan, kau kocakkan. Aku tunggu lagi. Satgi, kau keruhkan lagi. Pasni, aku terjun je terus. Alang alang dah keruh, aku keruhkan terus.
10th Months.
September, since the After Rain.
That's where it had started.
November, I still can taste that sweet sweet November.
December 10th, "I miss you, miss nervous".
Shit, I still can feel the way you made me felt dat day.
January & February, memories repeated. We were inseparable. Family and friends doesn't matter. We were accepted. Blessed with bliss upon us. We were in love.
March, the bond.
You and me, we build walls with a concrite of trust and faith.
April, the reckening.
The appaling traits. The culprits had made chaos upon this sacred knot we had made.
May, The Away.
Nerverecking, heartbreaks and nightmares. You kept it real for me.
June, Unhappy Birthday.
I love you still.
July, unknown -
Just totally roll on with the wheels.
For days, months and years to come. This dent will stay permanently for as long as we kept our heart's locked for each other. That's my believe.
Pathetic Little Miggets
Hmm... seburuk buruk nenek kebayan lah kau chantekkan diri kau untuk kau teruskan cerita tahyul kau tu. Heh.
Well, minggu ni minggu first aku start class kat Giatmara. Actually, hari Jumaat lalu dah ade masuk class. Tapi cuma register and isi isi form je lah. Start arini til Wednesday kitorang ade orientasi lah. Tadi ade buat macam bende lah. Best gak. So ni lah hasil rekaan aku hari ni. The thing is, to create or design a baju out of recycled stuff. Aku dapat newpaper. So ni lah hasilnye. Comel je kan?
Boobs die agak besar, cutting pinggang and bontot kecik. So aku rasa badan cam Pamela Anderson or Carmen Electra cun ar pakai cocktail dress ni. Yang sebelah tu dapat 2nd place paling lawa. Minah tu tiru baju Lady Gaga. Cool gak ar. Tapi yang penting, boobs besar kat dress aku telah membawa kejayaan pertama aku kat Giatmara tu. Hari ini (tolak tepi entry kat bawah ni), turns out to be good lah. I'm not really happy, but I'm good. So God, please make my day trouble-free for a week. PLEASE!
Aku Kuat Komplen.
Aku bengang betol dengan kau. Apesal ko suke sangat kacau ketenteraman akal aku ah? Memang hobi ke ko memang suke tengok aku merana? Tak suke aku senyum or rasa senang walaupun sekejap ke? Ape nak jadi kat ko ni? Kalo ko memang dah tak suka kat aku, rasa kewujudan aku dalam dunia takde makne lain selain menyusahkan kau, ko cakap je. Ko boleh buang je aku dari hidup kau, keluarga kau dan kerabat ko semua. Aku tak perlu hidup camni. Ko faham tak? Sudah - sudah la tu. Aku ni manusia, bukan binatang. Zaman ni, takde wujudnye hamba abdi dah. Sedar - sedar lah ye.
Stars of Heaven
Still as vainly I feel
Memory took its flight away.
I was consoled when I was caught by gravity.
I fell down, dejected by velocity.
And when all was wrought,
For only myself to feel,
Everything was wreaked.
Life was at its toll.
Fatigue drapes me as I pursued
the price of giving for me to allure.
As my steps affected it as I continued.
I realised it was never an issue.
Like stars in heaven,
The earth orbits by affection.
For every colour of beauty, it lessens.
And the loyal lovers, it brightens.
The sun will abandon the royal warrior
And these rapture stars will tell its story.
For every faithful love and forevermore,
This devoted light of heaven star will glisten for eternity.
All I wanted is you. But what you have is me as a burden as a part of your misery.
Tisk.. tisk. Poor little girl. It's like she had sold her soul to the devil.
Where are you in this time of need?
Where are you when I'm about to fall apart?
Where are you in me?
Just where the hell are you?
Sooner or later that little girl would lost her faith and have God to blame for everything!
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
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February 2010
March 2010
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April 2011

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