Beautiful Worlds
by Faye Kusairi
Plastic Life
You know, I used to think that I'm always lucky. Well, in fact, I'm neither anything near lucky nor fortunate. I think we are told and made believe that we are, that's why we are. In another way to say it is that, we are being lied about fake stories that we are special, but we're the most worse thing ever happened to them. That's why they lied. Having us was a mistake that they simply hide it from us because they had told us something they didn't really thought about just completely through and thorough.
For example, when I was born, my Mum had a C section. It was a live and death thingy and that the doctor had advice mother to abort me when she was conceiving me a couple of months. She kept me anyway because she thought I was special and a miracle happened, both baby and mother survived. It seems like a happy story right? Well, right about now, I'm not much a happy person that I once was. I think God is just punishing me on earth before He decided to take me home to Him. Mother always told me that I'm lucky and that I should be happy about life. First of all, all I did since I can talk and think is to please everyone around me and to make them happy. What I don't realise is that I can please, make them happy and make them feel good about themselve all at once but then I was the one who had none. Up to this moment I'm writing this, I'm still a stupid person trying to live life when all I can feel is nothing near alive. Like a poor person had a really good meal today, then tomorrow, he or she has nothing to eat. Poor people like me, isn't gifted with smiles. So spare me one. I believe that the only time I will have a long smile is when I take my last sigh on earth and go home to God.
Truthfully I feel stupid, dumb and irritating. And being happy is just temporary. All bullshit! It only last for a minute then it'll be washed away. What's permanant is grief, sadness and depression. Yup, I think that's what God trying to tell me. When I feel happy, do get to excited about it. It may be last for a minute or two, or maybe a day if im lucky. The rest is crap. All for the devil to make jokes upon! I hate my life! FUCK YOU!
I, Confess.
I’m depressed. I don’t feel like doing anything at all. I can’t smile, I can’t laugh, and I can’t stop crying at times. It’s difficult to feel better.
I don’t eat well. I spent most of my time sitting at home, in my room, alone thinking about stuff I don’t even know what. I even talk to myself. The other day, while I was on the way driving home alone, I caught myself talking to myself. I know it’s disturbing, but I can’t help it. Sometimes, I think I am crazy. I don’t know how to fix myself. Every night I’d sleep earlier than I used to because I feel tired after crying. Hence, my crying has now become my lullaby. Then I started to have nightmares, I can’t sleep properly. This depression has even triggered my temper. I am angry most of the time. I know people are annoyed and irritated with it. Shameful to confess, at times when I am stressful and sad, I hit myself just to release the pain I’m suffering.
I keep on wondering, why is this happening to me? Why can’t I just be happy? Why can’t I have a normal life like other people does? Why is God doing this to me?! I feel pain. I feel the intense grief. I just don’t think so I can go on like this. I don’t know how to make the pain to go away! I just want to be happy. I’m so sad. And nobody understands me.
" Dear God, if You hear me crying, I beg you to stop this hurting inside of me. Please stop me from suffer, I can’t bare this anymore. If this is my destiny, then I shall ask for you to discontinue my life on earth and let me pay all of my wrong doings in hell for you then after, I will be in heaven sky with You. Because I know, only with You, these painful heart will stop suffering and all the aching will go away. Banish forever. Please dear God, I beg for your mercy."
Little Untitled.
Forget not yet the tried faith.
Of such a truth as she have meant.
The great strength she so gladly spent.
Forget not yet.
Forget not yet when it first began.
The fatigued life we knew since when.
The wall and the barricades, none can tell.
Forget not yet.
Forget not yet the great assays,
the cruel wrongs, the sceptic ways,
and the painful patience in delays.
Forget not yet.
Forget not yet, forget not this.
How long it has been and is
this heart that never meant amiss.
Forget not yet.
Forget not yet she felt belonged;
Which so long has she so loved.
Steadfastly her faith still and yet never moved.
Forevermore, forget not this.
" Penat aku kayuh. Sebelum basikal aku rosak, baek aku rehat dulu! ", kata Nobita.
A Story In My Dream
I was told a story in my dream.
About a boy and a girl who came from two different part of the country. He came from a family who had superior thinking and her family was superficially unjust. They first met unexpectedly and then soon affection had flourished along the way of their friendship.
He’s just not meant for you”, Mother said.
I don’t see how’s this going to work”, He said.
The best she can do was to hold onto the hope she had since that November rain. The agony they felt was deep and offensive. Though every turbulent has its own peace. She prays for God’s blessings upon them for their crusade of belief and for his heart to stay.
I was told a story in my dream that fate had united these two souls not by eye to eye; but heart to heart.
Never say Never
" Nescaya suatu hari nanti apa yang ku telah katakan dahulu kala, akan menjadi kenyataan. Dan seperti biasa, suatu kenyataan adalah sesuatu yang kita perlu terima."
Sleeping Over An Aching Heart.
I just want to be with the one that I love and feel happy even when it rains on Saturdays.
Is it too much that I'm asking for?
Excuse Me Miss.
Tak, aku tak rasa aku ni bagus lagi dari engkau. Tapi aku MEMANG jauh lagi bagus dari engkau. Sebab ko tak reti bahasa, tu lah aku perlu tegur ko sikit. Sebab aku kesian, ko ni BANGANG sangat! Heh.
Some Sunny Day
I don’t understand why some people are so shallow. Guys go for hot chicks, girls who are fashionable or chicks with long legs. On the other hand, there are chicks that only go for guys with a loaded pocket, fancy car, fancy clothes and shits. I truly pity these stereotype people, but I don’t fully blame them though. Maybe, just maybe they haven’t noticed that life’s on earth is just temporary and that how this present materialistic tribe would damage our future offspring’s mind. Life has almost fucked us all. So how can we protect the virginity mind of our future leaders if we are being exposed and thought that being rich is everything? Personally, my life has a huge dent because of this mentality in my own family.
Nevertheless we all know that money makes the world goes round. With money, we are being put under a roof for protection. With money, we are stuffed with nutrients and good food for us to live a healthier life. With money, we are living in a convenience. But, not everything can be bought by money or gold. One thing we all know, true love is the sweetest thing we could taste in life. In this context, with true love I meant an honest and unconditional affection towards anyone you know. It might be between a mother and a daughter, or a lover. God had presented all of us this precious and beautiful thing called love. I’m sorry if I may sound offensive because I, myself have not much knowledge in neither religion nor am I religious in any way. But personally, I think God love us all and that’s exactly why He presented us this gift of love and feelings.
It doesn’t matter how we felt; loved, hurt or sad. I bet this is some part of how heaven feels like. Because I believe that after every rainy day, there will be sun light. Sure, I made some bad moves in my past. I blame myself though for my bad decisions; I do understand it’s because of my lack of cautiousness and I’ve a weak mind. Yes, I won’t deny it. I am mentally ill at times. It’s hard to live in a family who doesn’t really have the same mentality with mine. It’s like doing something you know isn’t what you want because you’d know it’s bad for you but they insisted that it’s the best. And that’s just one issue; I’ve a huge baggage of it. Heh.
Anyway, furthermore, I found the person who suits to whatever it is I was searching for a lifetime. But again, my family do not think so. They insisted that they know who I am rather than myself; which I strongly think is a total BULLARK! They don’t even know what’s my favourite food is. *Pfft*. So, back to the topic; I’ve been with this great guy for almost 8 months now. At first, we expected friendship from each other. But now, I believe I’ve found my better half. He just fits the picture perfectly, without a doubt. But since April, it’s been rough for us; though we’re still hanging onto each other. I feel sorry for us but at the same time, I feel fortunate enough that God is in our side. He still allows us to feel the same feeling towards each other; the same feeling I felt since the first time I gave him my heart.
You see, I’m here not to talk about a sad love story. I’m here to tell my story of love. No matter how sad you feel or how badly hurt you are, with having someone you feel loved, there’ll always be a moment you can spare your bliss. If you believe that the light will shine through, then it will. And if what you think and feel is the same, then it’s real. I believe what we are is real and it will definitely last for a lifetime.
Sugar Mugar.
I smell female dog seeking attention in my territory. Once, I'm cool. Twice, I'm fine. Trice, I have patience. Soon! Better watch out.
" Usah diusik api muda, kelak melingkar pasti sengketa."
I heard you.
"Sekali aku tak suka, sampai bila pun aku tak suka!".
You're so unfair. You want me only for yourself, you're own benefits. You don't even think or consider of neither what I like to do nor how I feel. All you think about it what you feel and think about, hence you command me to follow your orders. No pain is as bad as this broken heart. You lied to me, you used me and you made me believe that I meant everything to you. But now you said AKU MEMBERONTAK?!
Suatu penghinaan aku rasa, sikit pun engkau tak fikir sejenak apa yang telah kau lakukan!
And you told everybody bad lies; very very BAD LIES!
I hear you. But I've seen you. One day you'll realise we were meant for each other. And by then, I'm forever gone.
Fruit of Life
How painful reality is? I think it depends on how much you consume love in your life. As for me, I think it feel like falling from a sky scapper and you fall on a huge thorn at the very core of your heart and crush your head into pieces.
Dear Dad, I think you want me around when you need someone to do the house work, cook and clean. Mother, like you how you put it. GOOD FOR NOTHING. So, don't you ever tell me that you love or even care for me. For all I know, a portion of my pain I suffer is because of you and you couldn't even care less. Dear sister and brother, I gave you protection and my undivided love for your well being. You turn your back on me in return. Friends, I've lost trust in people a long time ago. And love, I love you unconditionally.
So how painful reality is? To me, it makes me lost the taste of life.
Some Deep Shit
Heaven's Promise
A short of breathe follows when this is shut.
Without it, neither could I be nor could I reside.
Without it, neither kith and kin could decide.
An oath, they can never take away this devotion of mine.
I was lost, he had found me.
I was weak, he is my strength.
I was damaged; he had brought me to a better place.
So this is my refusal,
This rebellion heart quits for them.
A promise of heaven without a denial
I refuse to give in; I refuse to stop for to them.
Love is the only thing that interests me.
And loving you brings joy in this cruel life of mine.
So don’t give up love,
Don’t give up this unfinished passion
For we are a promise from heaven above.
Bad moon and icing rain
It is not appreciative
Though we are given shelter
Torso will not cool; temperature far too high.
She sweats in the sleeping bag as she writes and complains.
Mournful of her misfortune and the cat sleeps on her lap.
Sunday morning came cold
Icy rain beats the window pane then battered glass shatters.
Tied Knots
I think tying the knots between two souls is one of the most beautiful things in life. Personally, I think it means you'll have someone's hand to hold when you're feeling sick, or even when you're old and wrinkly. It means when you sit down to eat, someone will be there with you so you won't have to tell your day to an empty chair. Just like our parents, you can have some kids and play with them all afternoon; except when they are bad. Then when you need some help, someone will help out. There will always be someone near to you, so you won't have to shout. But best of all is when it's time to turn out all the lights; you won't have to be alone in those long and scary nights. So even though you don't have toys, you don't have to care. Once you're married, you can be each other's teddy bear!
Inspired by the upcoming Engagement Ceremony of Norfadillah Huda & Mohd Iskandar,
4th June 2010.
That Old Notebook
This morning after I went back from sending my brother to the airport, I had pre-packed my stuff for KL! this Saturday. So I cleared some of my unused stuff and put it in the store. I then, came across with my old notebook which I used it as my scrapbook for me to write stuff in my school days. You know useful stuff and crappy stuff. Well, mostly junks. Back then I wasn’t into the internet shits, so I haven’t really known the blogging thingy existed. *Pfft*
So, I’m gonna share this thing (I think it’s a speech thingy I did for something I really can’t remember). Let’s just consider this is the best thing I wrote in that old notebook. Of course, I had rewrite and corrected some of the grammars and etc. Hope you guys enjoy it! *cheers!*
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Each of us on this earth has it; the ability to lead and inspire.
Sometimes, our work feels small and significant. But never doubt that even a small ripple can gain momentum and build a current that is overwhelming. To start, begin with one small step and make sure that you don’t let others stand in your way. Just keep on walking your own path. Sure, some may laugh. So what? Many will follow.
Success seems to be largely a matter of “hanging on” after others have let go. So don’t give up. Fears keep people small. Therefore, run towards your fears and embrace them. On the other side of your greatest fears lives your greatest life. Get out of the stands, get on the court and play the game of life.
In life, we must dare to take risks. If you leap, then a net will appear. Hence, be positive. What you think is what you become. Dream and DREAM BIG! Feet it, believe it and you will achieve it. Whatever your dreams are, go for it. Believe that you will inspire others.
Furthermore, learn to extend a hand, care and be kind. When someone does something good, applaud. You can make people happy, thus, you could be a positive role model to the young ones. Be the change you want to see in the world and make a difference. And now, I believe it is our turn, it is our time.
It is time for us to lead out loud!
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Thank you
A Sadden Reflection
I looked into the mirror and it's not me I see; an older woman looks back at me. I don't know where she came from and I don't know why she's there. I can’t see myself in the mirror anywhere. You see, this lady looks so sad. It makes me feel so bad. She looks like she is searching for the beauty she once had, her skin is not so perky and her hair has turned to gray. What happened to the young girl she knew just yesterday?
Her eyes well up with tears and some fall on her cheek. It’s then I feel so sad inside and my knees start weakening. But soon, I realize that the woman in the mirror keeps looking back at me. She’s not a total stranger you see. In reality, she is Me.
August 2009
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